You'll lve your new apartment!
RentCafe Apartment Finder
RentCafe is a nationwide internet listing service (ILS) that enables renters to easily find apartments and houses for rent throughout the United States. RentCafe’s search tool delivers a comprehensive list of nationally available rental properties. Renters can search, compare, and submit rental applications with ease. When you’re ready to move to a new home, RentCafe will save you time and money.
RentCafe provides detailed property information, including photos, floorplans, and amenities, without requiring you to log in to the site or submit personal information. RentCafe's Live Chat is available 24-7 to help answer questions and to help renters find the perfect home.
After you've completed your search and settled into your new home, you can return to RentCafe's Resident Services Portal to review your account profile and find out about community events. Many communities will also allow you to pay your rent online and submit maintenance requests.
Company Overview
RentCafe is a Yardi Systems service. Yardi Systems has served real estate and property management professionals for over 25 years. We are committed to serving consumers with the same integrity and vision that has helped us become the leader in serving the real estate and property management industry. For a detailed view of the Yardi family of companies please visit
RentCafe Blog
Join the conversation on the RentCafe Blog and find out what others are talking about. Whether you’re looking for ways to manage your money, handle roommate issues, or want some new design ideas, the RentCafe blog is a continually evolving, often funny, and always useful destination for rental living. Plus, we’d love to hear from you, find out what you’re interested in and how we can help.
Apartment Search on The Go... Use RentCafe from your mobile phone or tablet computer to find the apartment you want when you need it. We have a
RentCafe App, optimized for your iPhone, iPod Touch, and Android device to help you find apartments fast. A GPS enabled search returns instant listings of nearby apartments, plus available search fields make it easy to search by neighborhood, city, state, or zip code.
iPhone & Android Apartment Search Apps